the personal playground of evan louie; developer, designer, photographer, and breaker of the web.
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Wrapping A WebWorker to be Promise Based

An example of how to execute a `Promise` based workload in a WebWorker.

Note this is REALLY hacky and probably shouldn't be used in prod. Just a snippet of my weekend boredom/madness.

type Basic = number | string | boolean | null;
type Serializable = Basic | Basic[] | { [key: string]: Serializable };
type Lambda<T extends Serializable, P extends Serializable> = (
  ...args: P[]
) => T;
type WorkerJob = [string, string];

class WebWorker {
   * Schedules a lambda function to execute in a WebWorker and returns a Promise for the first message posted from the worker
   * Worker is terminated after first message or error
   * Runs a maximum of `one less than the number of cores || 1` Workers at any time; to not starve rendering thread
   * @param lambda anonymous lambda function to execute; NOT a closure
   * @param parameters arguments to pass to lambda; only basic accepted; no undefined
  public static async schedule<T extends Serializable, P extends Serializable>(
    lambda: Lambda<T, P>,
    parameters: P[] = []
  ): Promise<T> {
    if ((navigator.hardwareConcurrency - 1 || 1) > this.workers.length) {
      const promise = this.thread(lambda, parameters).then((resolved) => {
        // Remove self from worker list
        this.workers.splice(this.workers.indexOf(promise), 1);
        return resolved;
      return promise;
    } else {
      await Promise.race(this.workers);
      return this.schedule(lambda, parameters);

  private static workers: Array<Promise<any>> = [];

   * Execute a lambda function in a WebWorker and return a promise for the first posted message
   * The WebWorker terminates after the first message or error
   * @param lambda anonymous lambda function to execute; NOT a closure
   * @param parameters arguments to pass to lambda; only basic accepted; no undefined
  private static async thread<T extends Serializable, P extends Serializable>(
    lambda: Lambda<T, P>,
    parameters: P[] = []
  ): Promise<T> {
    // Check to see if browser supports WebWorkers
    if (typeof Worker === "undefined") {
      console.exception(`${navigator.appVersion} lacks Web Worker support.`);
        "Web Workers are required to evaluated answers as computation will cause the main window thread to lock"
      return Promise.reject(
        new Error("Your browser doesn't seem to support Web Workers :-(")

    // Prep a string of JS to simulate a JS file the worker to execute
    const JSFile = `(${this.workerDecorator.toString()})(self)`;

    // Wrap in a Blob and it a URL within the window
    const runnable = new Blob([JSFile], { type: "text/javascript" }); // Make a runnable JS blob
    const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(runnable);

    // Run the worker
    const worker = new Worker(url);
    return new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
      worker.onmessage = (e) => {
      worker.onerror = (e) => {

      worker.postMessage(this.serializeJob(lambda, parameters));

   * Serialize a Job to message passable payload
   * @param job to convert to message passable format
  private static serializeJob = <
    T extends Serializable,
    P extends Serializable
    lambda: Lambda<T, P>,
    params: P[]
  ): WorkerJob => {
    return [lambda.toString(), JSON.stringify(params)];

   * Function to call inside the context of a Worker enabling it execute functions posted to it
   * @example URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([`(${createWorkerScript.toString()})(self)`], { type: "text/javascript" }));
   * @param self `self` variable in the context of Worker
   * @param lambda callable to apply upon receiving a message
  private static workerDecorator = <
    T extends Serializable,
    P extends Serializable
    self: Worker
  ): Worker => {
    self.onmessage = (e) => {
      const data: WorkerJob =;
      const [lambdaString, paramsJSON] = data;
       * Wrap in one set of parenthesis incase lambda is a nameless function() {}
       * @see
      // tslint:disable-next-line
      const lambda = eval(`(${lambdaString})`) as Lambda<T, P>;
      const params = JSON.parse(paramsJSON) as P[];
      const response = lambda.apply(null, params);

    return self;

(async () => {
  const start =;
  const answers = await Promise.all(
      .map(() =>
        WebWorker.schedule(() => {
          const answer = () => {
            x: for (let x = 1; x < Infinity; x++) {
              for (let divisor = 20; divisor > 1; divisor--) {
                if (x % divisor !== 0) {
                  continue x;
              return x;
            throw new Error("Failed to find an answer");
          return answer();
        }).then((resolved) => {
          console.log(`Finished in ${ - start}ms`);
          return resolved;
  console.log(`All jobs finished in: ${ - start}ms`);
  return answers;