the personal playground of evan louie; developer, designer, photographer, and breaker of the web.
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TypeScript Assertion Helpers

A minimal module exposing basic TypeScript 3.7 assertion helpers with the goal of providing the out of the box assertions that most people need and have to rewrite for every project.

This is the core code for the assertate module I wrote. This snippet can be a drop in for your code-base so long as you have TypeScript >= 3.7.0 installed (the release that brought Assertion Functions).

If you want a more plug and play experience, you can find the npm/yarn installation instructions and in-depth usage examples on the README.

// Assertion Helpers

 * Returns a refined type of an object. Defaults to `typeof` unless the value is
 * null, in which case 'null' is returned
 * @param value value to get the type of
export function getType(value: unknown) {
  if (value === null) {
    return "null";
  return typeof value;

export type AssertionMessageType = (
  value: unknown,
  type: string,
  variableName?: string
) => string;

 * Generates an type assertion message for the given `value`
 * @param value value being type-checked
 * @param type the expected value as a string; eg 'string', 'boolean', 'number'
 * @param variableName the name of the variable being type-checked
let AssertionMessage: AssertionMessageType = (
): string => {
  const message = variableName
    ? `${variableName} must be of type '${type}', '${getType(value)}' provided`
    : `expected value of type '${type}', '${getType(value)}' provided`;
  return message;

 * Sets the global AssertionMessage with the `message` provided
 * @param message assertion message generator to replace the current generator with
export function setAssertionMessage(message: AssertionMessageType) {
  AssertionMessage = message;

 * Gets the currently set global AssertionMessage
export function getAssertionMessage() {
  return AssertionMessage;

 * Returns the boolean and hoisted type-check value that `value` is a number
 * @param value value to type-check as a number
export function isNumber(value: unknown): value is number {
  return getType(value) === "number";

 * Returns the boolean and hoisted type-check value that `value` is a bigint
 * @param value value to type-check as a bigint
export function isBigInt(value: unknown): value is bigint {
  return getType(value) === "bigint";

 * Returns the boolean and hoisted type-check value that `value` is a boolean
 * @param value value to type-check as a boolean
export function isBoolean(value: unknown): value is boolean {
  return getType(value) === "boolean";

 * Returns the boolean and hoisted type-check value that `value` is a string
 * @param value value to type-check as a string
export function isString(value: unknown): value is string {
  return getType(value) === "string";

 * Returns the boolean and hoisted type-check value that `value` is an array
 * @param value value to type-check as an array
export function isArray(value: unknown): value is unknown[] {
  return Array.isArray(value);

 * Returns the boolean and hoisted type-check value that `value` is an object.
 * null is not considered an 'object'.
 * @param value value to type-check as an object
export function isObject<T extends { [key: string]: unknown }>(
  value: unknown
): value is T {
  return getType(value) === "object";

 * Returns the boolean and hoisted type-check value that `value` is undefined
 * @param value value to type-check as undefined
export function isUndefined(value: unknown): value is undefined {
  return getType(value) === "undefined";

 * Returns the boolean and hoisted type-check value that `value` is null
 * @param value value to type-check as null
export function isNull(value: unknown): value is null {
  return getType(value) === "null";

 * Returns the boolean and hoisted type-check value that `value` is a symbol
 * @param value value to type-check as a symbol
export function isSymbol(value: unknown): value is symbol {
  return getType(value) === "symbol";

 * Type-checks the provided `value` to be a string, throws an Error if it is not
 * @param value the value to type-check as a string
 * @param variableName the name of the variable to be type-checked
 * @throws {Error}
export function assertIsString(
  value: unknown,
  variableName?: string
): asserts value is string {
  assert(isString(value), AssertionMessage(value, "string", variableName));

 * Type-checks the provided `value` to be a boolean, throws an Error if it is
 * not
 * @param value the value to type-check as a boolean
 * @param variableName the name of the variable to be type-checked
 * @throws {Error}
export function assertIsBoolean(
  value: unknown,
  variableName?: string
): asserts value is boolean {
  assert(isBoolean(value), AssertionMessage(value, "boolean", variableName));

 * Type-checks the provided 'value' to be a number, throws an Error if it is not
 * @param value the value to type-check as a number
 * @param variableName the name of the variable to be type-checked
 * @throws {Error}
export function assertIsNumber(
  value: unknown,
  variableName?: string
): asserts value is number {
  assert(isNumber(value), AssertionMessage(value, "number", variableName));

 * Type-checks the provided 'value' to be a bigint, throws an Error if it is not
 * @param value the value to type-check as a bigint
 * @param variableName the name of the variable to be type-checked
 * @throws {Error}
export function assertIsBigInt(
  value: unknown,
  variableName?: string
): asserts value is bigint {
  assert(isBigInt(value), AssertionMessage(value, "bigint", variableName));

 * Type-checks the provided `value` to be an array, throws an Error if it is not
 * @param value the value to type-check as an array
 * @param variableName the name of the variable to be type-checked
 * @throws {Error}
export function assertIsArray<T>(
  value: unknown,
  variableName?: string
): asserts value is T[] {
  assert(isArray(value), AssertionMessage(value, "array", variableName));

 * Type-checks the provided `value` to be null, throws an Error if it is not
 * @param value the value to type-check as null
 * @param variableName the name of the variable to be type-checked
 * @throws {Error}
export function assertIsNull(
  value: unknown,
  variableName?: string
): asserts value is null {
  assert(isNull(value), AssertionMessage(value, "null", variableName));

 * Type-checks the provided `value` to be an object, throws an Error if it is
 * not
 * @param value the value to type-check as an object
 * @param variableName the name of the variable to be type-checked
 * @throws {Error}
export function assertIsObject(
  value: unknown,
  variableName?: string
): asserts value is object {
  assert(isObject(value), AssertionMessage(value, "object", variableName));

 * Type-checks the provided `value` to be a symbol, throws an Error if it is not
 * @param value the value to type-check as a symbol
 * @param variableName the name of the variable to be type-checked
 * @throws {Error}
export function assertIsSymbol(
  value: unknown,
  variableName?: string
): asserts value is symbol {
  assert(isSymbol(value), AssertionMessage(value, "symbol", variableName));

 * Type-checks the provided `value` to be undefined, throws an Error if it is
 * not
 * @param value the value to type-check as undefined
 * @param variableName the name of the variable to be type-checked
 * @throws {Error}
export function assertIsUndefined(
  value: unknown,
  variableName?: string
): asserts value is undefined {
    AssertionMessage(value, "undefined", variableName)

 * General assertion helper. Asserts the provided `condition` is met, if it is
 * not, throws an Error with the provided `message`
 * @param condition the condition to be asserted
 * @throws {Error}
export function assert(
  condition: unknown,
  message?: string
): asserts condition {
  if (!condition) {
    throw Error(message);