the personal playground of evan louie; developer, designer, photographer, and breaker of the web.
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A Clojure(Script) Implementation Of The WHATWG URL Spec

A port of the WHATWG URL spec in Clojure(Script).

The WHATWG URL spec is really handy for parsing URLs and thought it useful to port it to Clojure(Script).


(:require [ :refer [parse]])

(parse "")
;; =>{:hash "#header2", :protocol "https:", :password "my-password", :pathname "/path/to/page", :username "evan", :hostname "", :port "1337", :search "?query1=foo&query2=bar", :host "", :origin "", :href ""}

See the tests in the snippet for more usage examples.


  (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))

(def ^:private url-regex
  "A regex to parse a URL.

  Note: matching this regex does not imply a valid href as it allows for an
  empty pathname to be provided (i.e. no trailing slash when at root domain).
  Hrefs require a non empty pathname (at least a trailing `/`). For a regex which
  validates for hrefs, refer to the `::href` spec.

  e.g. This regex will match `` but is not a valid href

  | URL Segment           | Required/Optional |
  | --------------------- | ----------------- |
  | Protocol              | Required          |
  | Hostname              | Required          |
  | Username              | Optional          |
  | Password              | Optional          |
  | Port                  | Optional          |
  | Pathname              | Optional          |
  | Search/Get-Parameters | Optional          |
  | Hash                  | Optional          |

  @example (re-matches url-regex \"\")
  @example (re-matches url-regex \"\")"

;; Specs

(s/def ::url (s/and string? #(re-matches url-regex %)))
(s/def ::hash (s/nilable (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^(#.+)?$" %))))
(s/def ::host (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,63}(:(\d+))?$" %)))
(s/def ::hostname (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$" %)))
(s/def ::href (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^[a-zA-Z]+://([^:]+(:(.+))?@)?([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]\.)+([a-zA-Z]{2,63})(:(\d+))?/(([^?#]+)?(\?([^#]+)?)?(#(.+)?)?)?$" %)))
(s/def ::origin (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^[a-zA-Z]+://([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,63}(:(\d+))?$" %)))
(s/def ::password (s/nilable string?))
(s/def ::pathname (s/nilable (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^/(([^?#]+)?)?$" %))))
(s/def ::port (s/nilable (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^(\d+)?$" %))))
(s/def ::protocol (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^[a-zA-Z]+:$" %)))
(s/def ::search (s/nilable (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^(\?[^#]+)?$" %))))
(s/def ::username (s/nilable string?))
(s/def ::location (s/keys :req [::hash

(s/fdef parse
  :args (s/cat :url ::url)
  :ret ::location)

;; Functions

(defn parse
  "Parses the provided `url` into a map modelled after the HTML Living Standard
  Location specification.

  The returned `::location` will be namespaced unless `namespaced` is set to


  @throws when unable to parse the provided `url`
  @throws when unable to generate a valid `::location`"
  [url & {:keys [namespaced]
          :or   {namespaced true}}]

  ;; throw when url does not conform
  (when (not (s/valid? ::url url))
    (throw (ex-info "Invalid URL"
                    {:url    url
                     :regex  url-regex
                     :reason "Could not parse the provided URL with the URL regex"
                     :spec   (s/explain-str ::url url)})))

  ;; destructure the regex into location map
  ;; can alternatively done via destructuring: [_ protocol _ username _ password domains-with-dot-suffix _ tld _ port _ pathname-no-slash-prefix search _ hash _] url-match
  (let [url-match                (re-matches url-regex url) ; will always pass as `url` is a valid `::url`
        protocol                 (url-match 1)
        username                 (url-match 3)
        password                 (url-match 5)
        domains-with-dot-suffix  (url-match 6)
        tld                      (url-match 8)
        port                     (url-match 10)
        pathname-no-slash-prefix (url-match 12)
        search                   (url-match 13)
        hash                     (url-match 15)

        ;; compose the ::location requirements
        hostname (str domains-with-dot-suffix tld)
        host     (str hostname (when port (str ":" port)))
        origin   (str protocol "//" host)
        pathname (str "/" pathname-no-slash-prefix)
        auth     (when username (str username (when password (str ":" password)) "@"))
        href     (str protocol "//" auth host pathname search hash)
        location {::hash     hash
                  ::host     host
                  ::hostname hostname
                  ::href     href
                  ::origin   origin
                  ::password password
                  ::pathname pathname
                  ::port     port
                  ::protocol protocol
                  ::search   search
                  ::username username}]

    ;; throw if the generated location is not valid
    (when (not (s/valid? ::location location))
      (throw (ex-info "Generated location is not valid"
                      {:location location
                       :spec     (s/explain-str ::location location)})))

    ;; return namespaced map if `namespaced` is true
    (if namespaced
      ;; return un-namespaced ::location
      (zipmap (map (comp keyword name) (keys location))
              (vals location)))))


  (:require [ :as sut]
            [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
            #?(:clj [clojure.test :as t]
               :cljs [cljs.test :as t :include-macros true])))

(def ^:private equality-tests
  "List of equality tests to execute where `:name` is the name of test, `:actual`
  is actual value, and `:expected` is the expected value."
  [{:name     "basic url"
    :actual   (sut/parse "")
              {:hash     nil
               :host     ""
               :hostname ""
               :href     ""
               :origin   ""
               :password nil
               :pathname "/"
               :port     nil
               :protocol "http:"
               :search   nil
               :username nil}}

   {:name     "complex url"
    :actual   (sut/parse "")
              {:hash     "#header2"
               :host     ""
               :hostname ""
               :href     ""
               :origin   ""
               :password "my-password"
               :pathname "/path/to/page"
               :port     "1337"
               :protocol "https:"
               :search   "?query1=foo&query2=bar"
               :username "evan"}}

   {:name     "auth with username but no password"
    :actual   (sut/parse "")
              {:hash     "#header2"
               :host     ""
               :hostname ""
               :href     ""
               :origin   ""
               :password nil
               :pathname "/path/to/page"
               :port     "1337"
               :protocol "https:"
               :search   "?query1=foo&query2=bar"
               :username "evan"}}

   {:name     "basic url -- no namespace"
    :actual   (sut/parse ""
                         :namespaced false)
    :expected {:hash     nil
               :host     ""
               :hostname ""
               :href     ""
               :origin   ""
               :password nil
               :pathname "/"
               :port     nil
               :protocol "http:"
               :search   nil
               :username nil}}

   {:name     "complex url -- no namespace"
    :actual   (sut/parse ""
                         :namespaced false)
    :expected {:hash     "#header2"
               :host     ""
               :hostname ""
               :href     ""
               :origin   ""
               :password "my-password"
               :pathname "/path/to/page"
               :port     "1337"
               :protocol "https:"
               :search   "?query1=foo&query2=bar"
               :username "evan"}}

   {:name     "auth with username but no password -- no namespace"
    :actual   (sut/parse ""
                         :namespaced false)
    :expected {:hash     "#header2"
               :host     ""
               :hostname ""
               :href     ""
               :origin   ""
               :password nil
               :pathname "/path/to/page"
               :port     "1337"
               :protocol "https:"
               :search   "?query1=foo&query2=bar"
               :username "evan"}}])

(t/deftest test-parse
  ;; run the equality tests
  (doseq [{:keys [name expected actual]} equality-tests]
    (t/testing name
      (t/is (= expected actual))))

  (t/testing "invalid URL throws"
    (let [exception-pattern (if (s/check-asserts?)
                              #"(?s)^Spec assertion failed.+$"
                              #"^Invalid URL$")]
      (t/is (thrown-with-msg? Exception exception-pattern
                              (sut/parse "some-illegal-url"))))))